Designed to enhance the your connection to the outdoors while providing exceptional comfort and performance.
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Experience the hype for yourself and enjoy strengthening your feet while standing, walking, living
Peluva welcomes runners and sprinters to sync with nature's pace, offering assurance and ease. Whether racing through challenging terrains or pounding urban pavements, Peluva footwear is crafted to bolster each stride, enabling athletes to embrace the outdoor experience with fervor and determination.
Men's Miami
"These are the best! I've been wearing them since last year and have multiple pairs now.
These helped with more than just foot comfort and toe correction... helped with knee, hip, and lower back pain!
My body endured a long, intense athletic career. Now, at 53, I finally have shoes that fit and allow natural movement while being protective enough for my sensitive soles!"
-Mark F.
Woman's Strand Lightweight Trainer
"Every time I do intervals outside, I wear my Peluvas toe shoes. I love a barefoot feel, as well as maximizing my ability to have the best form I can. These shoes are thin enough to feel the ground beneath your feet, but this enough to protect you from harming your soles when running on asphalt for example.
-Nikki F.
Men's Strand Lightweight Trainer
Peluvas offer enough support for walking, running, sprinting, and lifting. It allows my foot to experience the stimulus of the ground - without any of the pain of stepping on rocks or twigs. Best of all, it’s shaped like an actual foot, not like the modern narrow shoes of today that squish your toes together.
-Mark Bell
Worn in the WILD
Peluvas are designed to fit most feet and accommodate each individual toe. Here are our favorite tips to determine your size:
In general, we recommend 1/2 size larger than your normal running shoe.
To calibrate your ideal fit, we recommend you use Fit Finder tool below and free sizing chart
Frequently Asked Questions
No matter what your question is about Peluva, our team is always on hand to provide prompt and accurate answers.
Email us at anytime.
How do I know my size?
In general, we find that it's best to order a half-size larger than your regular running shoe. While we offer standard shoe sizing, Peluvas have one basic common foot pattern, to accommodate your individual toes. This common outline is intended to fit most people. Of course, this pattern increases or decreases based on shoe size. Some people have a longer second toe than the first (or big) toe. Others have a longer than average pinkie toe. In these cases, you might try buying a half size larger than your normal shoe size. It is not necessary that every toe extends all the way into each toe box. We recommend that you use our fitting app underneath the size chart of each product.
They feel weird at first. Is that normal?
Many people have never had the experience of wearing “gloves for the feet.” As such, it might feel a bit unusual at first to have your toes in separate compartments. Most people find that after a few minutes of wearing them, they begin to enjoy the feeling and appreciate the newfound freedom of having their toes able to move up and down over surfaces unevenly. After a few times wearing Peluvas, regular shoes might start to feel cramped, an indication of how uncomfortable regular shoes generally are. Over time, you'll find Peluvas to be far more comfortable than any other shoes.
Is there a best way to put on Peluvas?
If you have never worn five-toed shoes before, you may experience a little difficulty finding the right toe holes the first few times you try them on. This is largely because your feet have likely compressed (scrunched together) over time, and your ability to spread your toes out wide has diminished. No worries… that’s one of the many reasons you probably need five-toed shoes. It's easiest to start with your big toe and work your way through the others . After a few times wearing Peluvas, you will find that they slide on just as easily as a running or tennis shoe. One other hack is to put on some five-toed socks first. Then the feet tend to slide right into their appropriate toe boxes.
What is the big deal about toe articulation?
One major difference between Peluvas and most other minimalist shoe designs is the concept of the individual toe box, which allows for appreciable articulation (movement) of the toes. Even some of the more comfortable minimalist shoes that offer a wider toe box still can’t provide the up and down individual toe movement that mimics going barefoot on uneven surfaces. Peluvas were designed to get you close to mimicking a barefoot movement pattern on all surfaces, without the annoyances of sharp rocks, dog poop, glass, stubbed toes or just walking miles on hard surfaces. All while looking stylish.